Prayer Chain
Sunday Prayer
Names and situations lifted up in the Sunday Prayers in our worship are only included with the knowledge and permission of the person or people involved. Please don’t make a prayer request for prayers in our worship without the permission of those named in our Sunday Prayers. We want to pray for your concerns – thank you for letting us help to pray for you and with you.
Prayer Chain
We have two avenues for getting folks lifted up on the Prayer Chain:
Anytime you would like people or concerns included in the prayer chain you can email
Please also feel free to call Pastor Karen Tews (920)235-6616 or email him at with your request.
Prayers on the prayer chain are considered confidential unless we are told it is OK to speak of the situation in the community, and the members of the prayer chain DO NOT discuss the content or names prayed for, nor will they contact the person or family of those being prayed for.